Journal Entry # 3
Why are video games so popular now? I think it has a lot to do with the improvement of graphics and the types of games that are available to the public. Video games started out with incredibliy bad graphics (at least compared to today's standards), and a very simple story line; either to just get past Donkey Kong and save Peach, or a race around a single looped track to win. However video games may have started, they are nothing compared to what they are now. Designers of video games only continue to outdo themselves when it comes to their games' animation. This is a very important since it is what gamers of all ages tend to look for when considering if they should buy it. If a game looks like garbage with rough edges, bad colouring, and totally unrealistic characters, it is mostly likely not to be bought. Animation is the eye candy to most people, and it usually can get the first game in a series sold, but it is not the initial reason why people buy games. Video games have to be entertaining. A game could have the best graphics in the world, but if it is slow and dull, or has a steep learning curve, people will not buy it. There are many varities of games on the market today, one of the most popular being role playing games (where you take on a character in a story and work your way through the game by most likely beating dungeons). It is the excitment that is created from playing such a game that people are compelled to buy others.Video games are so popular now because not only are the graphics becoming more realistic each day, but the quality and story line have also advanced dramaticly.
I do believe that realistic war games desensitive people from the horror of war because they are fun. War video games are exciting and the graphics are scary realistic. Video games appeal to people because when made correctly, can draw in the gamer. It is as if they are actually part of the game. War video games also hold true to this. But because they are just games, there is no real fear. The person controlling the war game cannot get hurt or injured. They can not die or feel any real pain or loss. And it is because of this that their outlook on how war really is, is distorted. War is all about pain, loss, and suffering. It is these things that creates the horror of it. But the gamer does not experience any of this, only excileration. Therefore, how can these video games not desensitive people to war, when they are conditioning them to believe that there is no horror, only fun?
Personally, I do not like war video games. I do find them exciting and fun to play, but also disrespectful to those who actually fought in a war. I feel that it minimizes the full impact and effect war had on the soldiers and everyone else, making it seem fun when those who were there would describe it as hell. Video games are exciting and entertaining, but i do think that a lot of them need to rethink the messages they are sending to the players.
Excellent entry. I agree with your position.
I agree that people are not afraid of
horror of war as they get used playing war games. They will also get attracted to it too. Good job with your entry!
hey brittany !
i agree with what you said about how "animation is the eye candy to most people". Because of the improvements in the animation in the video games, more people are attracted to the game and want to play it.
good job!
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